2  Sockeye

Sockeye is a High Performance Computing (HPC) platform, use it to run large computational analysis or works here. Using this platform requires some knowledge to Linux system, also setup in your local computer. See UBC Advanced Research Computing (2019) for additional information of the platform.

In the following sections, for simplicity, we will differentiate these platforms by the following:


keyword: as


Sockeye is a bit special in terms of write and read access from different nodes (more on this later). And, internet connection is not guaranteed everywhere.

2.1 Login

To login into the remote server of Sockeye for any platform of OS, use the following code as template and prompt it in your terminal:

ssh cwl@sockeye.arc.ubc.ca

Replace cwl with your actual campus-wide-login username


Advanced usage is to configurate your ssh locally and setup a key to login into Sockeye without prompting password (2FA is still required). This complements with VSCode quite well

2.1.1 Setup SSH configuration for Sockeye (Optional)

Follow these steps depending on your OS (Windows/Linux/MacOs) to setup a proper SSH configuration for Sockeye server. Note, you could apply this same process to any other remote server of your choice:

  1. Generate a new pair of ssh keys in your local

    ssh-keygen -t rsa

    You could accept the default setting of where the key is stored, by default it is in your home directory of ~.


    The program is also going to ask you if add a passphrase for more security, it is completely optional and up to your preference. This passphrase serves like another 2FA.

  2. Copy the public key from the generated pair to the remote

    For Windows Powershell:

    type $env:USERPROFILE\.ssh\id_rsa.pub | ssh cwl@sockeye.arc.ubc.ca "cat >> .ssh/authorized_keys"

    For Mac:

    cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub | ssh cwl@sockeye.arc.ubc.ca 'cat >> /home/user/.ssh/authorized_keys'

    For Linux:

    ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub cwl@sockeye.arc.ubc.ca

    Remember to change the CWL argument here. And, careful with accidentally copying your private id_* key without the .pub extension to the server of your choice.

  3. Add Host, HostName, User into a file called ~/.ssh/config in your local.

    The general flow is the following:

    Host <shorthand_or_alias_of_your_choice>
      HostName  <server_host_domain>
      User  <username_on_server>

    For sockeye, you could use the following snippet, remember to change the cwl argument

    echo "Host  arc 
      HostName sockeye.arc.ubc.ca
      User  cwl" > ~/.ssh/config

    ~/.ssh/config is the preffered place to safe ssh related configurations in most OS.

After completing this setup, you dont have to prompt for password anymore when ssh into a server, however the 2FA is still required, any passphrase if any. In the case of Sockeye, the login simplifies to:

ssh arc # provided you followed previous steps
# or any other server you setup
ssh <Host> # after providing Host, HostName, and User of a server in the config file

2.2 Job Submission